Frase di Jeffery Doughtie Frasi di Jeffery Doughtie
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Non uccidere, Ultime parole prima di morire

19/01/2009 alle 05:24
Valutazione mediagradevole2Curiosità 535
Valutazione mediagradevole2
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  • Frase in inglese
    For almost nine years I have thought about the death penalty, whether it is right or wrong, and I don't have any answers. But I don't think the world will be a better or safer place without me. If you had wanted to punish me you would have killed me the day after, instead of killing me now. You are not hurting me now. I have had time to get ready, to tell my family goodbye, to get my life where it needed to be. (Last statement of Jeffery Doughtie, executed in 2001).
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